We are happy that you are here visiting the Caribbean Business Podcast online. This podcast is facilitated through he work of Assuage Business Development Ltd, where we help SME’s penetrate local and regional markets. The Caribbean Business Podcast seeks to:
Provide a regular forum for discussion of issues pertinent to regional trade
Highlight the significant role of Regional Services Providers in economic growth and development
Identify specific opportunities for exporting services intra-regionally and beyond
Provide information on the how-to’s of Exporting your products and services
Many estimate that the real engine of growth for Global Trade will be the expansion of the service sector. Over the past century, the services sector has grown to play an increasingly important role in global business. Services account for 70% of global GDP in terms of value-added. This trend offers great prospects for the Caribbean Region that is highly dependent on Travel and Tourism.
The Caribbean is one of the most tourism-dependent regions in the world. According to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Travel & Tourism is a key economic driver and foreign exchange earner, and the sector contributes over 15% of Caribbean GDP and supports nearly 14% of all employment. With this in mind, it is incumbent upon the regions to capitalize on the service trend to expand service to the region and to the world to be become players in the Global Service Export Trade.
We are excited to have you join us as we host key players in the export trade sector and SMEs across the region who will share their experience and expertise to help us navigate the world of business expansion through exporting.